Our Facility



Library is a mine of knowledge . All sorts of books numbered about 4000 (Four Thousand) are shelved for all. Students can attend to the library to have gaining of knowledge beyond that of classes. So the streams of knowledge are flowing endlessly . Not to mention there are periodicals, magazines, fictions etc. for the students to have the mirror of the world.


The computer to-day is the most essential instrument in a school. Pearl Rosary is no exception to that. It has well-equipped, modernised computers to teach the students. And the expert is there to teach.


A most scientific and easy process of calculation. Class Two onwards students take it as an educational aid.


Audio-visual aid is helping creating in students of all classes an interest in learning every subject even Mathematics. Students are responding to it most. They are Creating different programmes there.


Surveillance is helping maintaining discipline in each class


Separate hostels have been provided for boys and girls. Students from class I onward are allowed to stay in the hostels. There are clean and specious dormitories, study rooms, indoor activity areas. The chief wardens and junior warden are given incharge of the hostel.